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Single Tooth Implants: The Best Solution for Replacing a Missing Tooth?

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At LA Implants and Dentures in Baton Rouge, we understand the importance of what it means to enjoy a healthy and complete smile. Losing a tooth—or even multiple teeth—can be an upsetting experience, affecting both your confidence and everyday activities (not to mention limiting the type of food you eat.) Fortunately, advancements in dental technology have led to the development of predictable single-tooth implants, which are widely regarded as the best choice when it comes to replacing a missing tooth.

Single-tooth implants offer an excellent solution for replacing an individual missing tooth, providing a permanent and natural-looking restoration in its place. By consulting with our Baton Rouge implant dentists, you can explore the benefits, costs, and suitability of single-tooth implants, ensuring that you make an informed decision about your dental health. We truly believe that implants are second to none when it comes to restoring someone’s smile.

What is a Single-Tooth Implant?

An individual dental implant is a permanent restorative option that involves the surgical placement of an “artificial tooth root.” Essentially, the implant is a titanium post that is set into the bone, much like a real tooth. Once the bone integrates with the surface of your new implant, a custom porcelain or ceramic dental crown is attached to the top of the implant via an abutment. This creates a seamless and functional replacement “tooth.” Overall, this restorative approach offers a permanent solution that closely mirrors the appearance, feel, and function of a natural tooth.

Can You Get a Single-Tooth Implant?

Most healthy adults who have a missing tooth are suitable candidates for dental implants. However, it is essential to plan a consultation with our Baton Rouge dental implant providers to evaluate your oral health, bone density, and overall suitability for the procedure first. Factors such as periodontal health, bone structure, and any underlying medical conditions (such as diabetes or recent surgeries) will be considered to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment. In some cases, we can also plan to install a dental implant if you already know that you need to have a tooth extracted.

Do Gums Grow Around Implants?

Your gum and bone tissues wrap around the dental implant similar to a natural tooth. During the healing process after the implant installation, the bone fuses with the titanium post through a process that we call “osseointegration.” Osseointegration ensures a permanent connection between the implant and your jaw. The gums, while not connected to the implant itself, will cover the bone and implant so that the end result still looks like a natural tooth. Even though implants cannot get cavities, they are still susceptible to gum infections caused by plaque buildup, which could lead to complications or implant failure. It’s important to brush and floss each day and schedule regular dental check-ups to ensure the health and longevity of your implant site.

Can a Single-Tooth Implant be Completed in One Day?

In some cases, a single tooth implant can be completed in one day through a process known as immediate implant placement. This approach involves extracting the damaged or decayed tooth, placing the implant, and attaching a temporary prosthesis to wear while the implant integrates; a permanent crown is installed later. However, not all patients are eligible for immediate implant placement, as it depends on various factors such as the location of the tooth, bone density, and underlying health issues. Our Baton Rouge implant dentists will assess your individual case and provide you with the most appropriate treatment plan.

How Much Does a Single-Tooth Implant Cost?

The cost of an individual dental implant can vary depending on several factors, including where you live, the complexity of the case, the need for additional procedures (such as bone grafting or extractions,) the type of restoration used, and even the materials used to create the visible “tooth” on top of your implant. The best way to get an itemized price estimate for dental implants in Baton Rouge is to meet with the experienced team at LA Implants and where we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan, including a workup of your estimated insurance benefits.

Schedule a Consultation Are dental implants right for you? Call LA Implants & Dentures today to find out! Flexible financing options are available.