7 Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

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Dental implants are quickly gaining popularity as the best tooth replacement in Baton Rouge, LA. But before you set your heart on dental implant treatment, here are some FAQs you might have about the process:

Are you ready to get a tooth replaced?

The earlier you replace a missing tooth, the less likely you are to experience shifts in overall tooth and bite alignment. Plus, dental implants help preserve stable bone levels, strengthening your jaws and preserving your natural facial profile.

You can consider dental implants at any point, whether you’re about to have a tooth extracted or have been wearing dentures for years.

What actually is a dental implant?

Implants are biocompatible devices that function as artificial tooth roots. We install them in the bone next to other teeth, then attach a crown, bridge, or denture on top of the implant(s) to reconstruct the entire missing tooth.

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement that’s non-invasive to additional tooth structures.

Am I eligible for dental implants?

Almost every healthy adult with missing teeth qualifies for dental implants. Our Louisiana dentists will assess your bone anatomy, review your medical history, and determine if dental implants are right for you. Please be sure to let us know if you’re taking any medications or have recently been hospitalized, as some factors may impact how soon you can receive implant treatment.

Can I have more than one tooth replaced by a dental implant?

Dental implants are stronger than natural teeth, so it’s common to pair them together to anchor multi-tooth restorations. In fact, as few as 4-6 dental implants can be used to restore an entire arch of teeth. “All-on-4” and “All-on-6” treatments are a great example; these restorations replace up to 14 teeth at a time using fewer implants than missing teeth. Or in the case of 3-4 teeth, a pair of implants can anchor a fixed dental bridge.

How long is the dental implant process?

Getting dental implants isn’t a process anyone should rush. However, same-day tooth replacements are available. In traditional situations, most implants need at least 3-4 months to integrate with your bone before the final fixed prosthesis is attached on top of them. Rest assured that we will take all of the steps necessary to prevent you from leaving our office with visibly missing teeth, even if that requires wearing an interim healing prosthesis as your implants integrate.

How much do implants cost?

The price of dental implant treatment is variable, depending on multiple different factors. For instance, if you require extractions, bone grafting, sinus lift surgery, or sedation, the total cost of your implant procedure can vary. Additionally, the number of missing teeth there are and how many implants are required will influence the cost per tooth in terms of your smile reconstruction. It’s typically more affordable to use fewer implants than it is to install an implant at each missing tooth site.

LA Implants and Dentures will always provide every patient with a detailed treatment plan. Your plan will include the procedures recommended, fees for each one, and additional information like insurance benefits and financing.

Are dental implants covered by insurance?

Dental insurance policies vary from person to person, so your coverage may not be the same as someone else’s. Our Louisiana office will communicate directly with your insurance carrier to break down an estimate of your expected benefits related to implant treatment. Most plans do cover at least a portion of implant therapy.

For our patients who need to supplement their insurance coverage or do not have insurance at all, we also offer flexible payment options. That way you can replace your teeth as soon as you’re ready while taking advantage of our affordable monthly payment plan.

Dental Implant Treatment in Baton Rouge, LA

LA Implants and Dentures offers comprehensive dental implant treatments under one roof. If you have missing teeth and want to explore your treatment options, call our office today to learn more about the process and see which one is right for you!